Users Testimonials - They trust Fluigent's Instruments
At Fluigent, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of microfluidic research. Don't just take our word for it – explore firsthand experiences from Fluigent users who have elevated their research with our cutting-edge instruments. These testimonials give an authentic insight into the life stories of the researchers who have harnessed the precision and innovation of our technology. Let their stories speak for themselves and discover how Fluigent is empowering scientists to redefine what's possible in microfluidics.
Flow & Pressure Control Application
Testimonials on Flow EZ
The Flow EZ™ is the most advanced system available for pressure-based flow control. The compact flow controller stands near the microfluidic device, allowing the user to minimize bench space use without the need of a PC…
“The Fluigent microfluidics flow system has allowed us to expand our static cell models into a model of cells under flow that represents in vivo conditions more closely. Through this addition, we have been able to increase our publication output, with microfluidics at the heart of this research.
The FlowEZ allows us to manipulate flow rates quickly that allows us to introduce various activators and inhibitors to our cells, and create a system of recirculation that minimizes volume requirements, sample loss, and removes the need for users to be present for the experiment to run for hours at a time.”
Dr Cass Whelan, Research Associate, Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK
“Microfluidics presents various advantages to researchers who need small volumes and high throughput in answering their scientific questions. In our lab, we use microfluidic devices for the standardization and control of experimental parameters like concentration and timing. In the complex (biological) systems we are working on, the mentioned characteristics are fundamental in collecting reliable meaningful statistics, and microfluidics in combination with light microscopy offers just that. We also heavily rely on the ability to rapidly prototype devices, as we can design bespoke solutions at minimal production cost and time.
We use the pressure-based pumps from Fluigent for experiments that require swift responsiveness when manipulating fluids, and fine tuning at low flow rates. We use the Fluigent systems during the fabrication and running of the microfluidic chips. The ability to pump in air at high precision makes the Fluigent pressure-based systems ideally suited to selectively coat and functionalize micro-channels within a microfluidic network. After coating, we then fill the devices with the experimental solutions and use the pressure controls to move fluids around, open and close valves and carefully time the introduction of small molecules in the experiments.“
Kareem Al Nahas, University of Cambridge, UK
“Combining the Fluigent microfluidic flow control system with DENSsolutions liquid TEM products provide a unique route to achieve the direct observation of a wide range of liquid processes with nano or even atomic-scale resolution.”
Hongyu Sun – DENSsolutions – Delft, Netherlands
“We are really happy with Flugent microfluidics control systems: they are very EZ to use; they are also robust and reliable. We want to highlight in particular the user-friendliness of the software (OxyGEN), and the ease with which one can implement their own third-party programs to embed Fluigent controllers to a bigger setup comprising multiple units from different manufacturers.”
Prof. Artem Mishchenko – Université de Manchester
“We have been using Fluigent’s M-SWITCH, amongst other accessories, including Flow EZ system, flow controllers, for the past 5 years. We are pleased with its performance, especially the programmability and automation of fluid flow that relieves the user of the need to be present next to the experiments that run for several hours. We found the software interface to be simple to use and could count on the team’s assistance for friendly recommendations and support.”
Sivashankar Krishnamoorthy – Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
“We try to understand how hypo-osmotic pressure influences cytoskeleton in molecular level via mechanobiology pathway. To confirm the robustness of our experiment results, the experiments should rely on the negative control and experimental protocol which could prevent the phenomena induced by shear stress of medium changing or other mechanical stimulation like pipetting. Fluigent pressure-based pumps with high accuracy enabled us to make a fine-tuning low flow rate system to set up our experimental protocol of medium changing and negative control experiments which convinced us of experimental results induced by osmotic shock. Furthermore, the multi-valves switch creates a clear and efficient system to switch different medium.”
Hongyue CUI, PhD student – National University of Singapore | 2021, Li Group
“We connect the chips to the Fluigent pump system because that allows us to deliver more complex flow environments […] and visualize live on the microscope.”
Martin Knight | Professor of mechanobiology at Queen Mary university of London
Testimonials on the Push-Pull
The LineUp™ Push-Pull is a standalone vacuum pressure-based controller with the ability to deliver finely regulated pressure or vacuum through a single outlet over the range of -800 to +1000 mbar. It can be used without a PC or controlled with Fluigent Software Solutions…
“The Fluigent LineUp series, including the new push-pull pump, enables precise and highly controlled aspiration and injection of liquids. The set-up allows us to further advance our research in both continuous flow and droplet microfluidics.”
Prof. Jeroen Lammertyn, KU Leuven Belgium – Biosensors group.
“The device is well designed and allows for easy control of my microfluidic chips. What I like most is that you are independent of a computer and can directly control both positive and negative pressure.”
Christoph Trenzinger – Stratec
Testimonials on The MFCS Series
The MFCS™, or Microfluidic Flow Control System, is a pressure based microfluidic flow controller. Either 4 or 8 channels are available with different pressure ranges for microfluidic experiments…
“For our application, where we include mechanical stimulation in organ-on-chip models, we love all Fluigent equipment which provides us full flexibility, fast response time, and user-friendliness. Support has been amazing as well to optimize and customize set-ups.”
Dr Séverine Le Gac – Associate Professor & Head of Applied Microfluidics for BioEngineering Research (AMBER) – University of Twente (The Netherlands)
“We are developing Dispencell, the solution for single-cell isolation! The Fluigent MFCS controller allowed us a quick and hassle-free development of our solution focusing on our real application! This has also been accelerated by the dedicated and professional support we got from the amazing Fluigent team”
David Bonzon / SEED Biosciences / Renens, Switzerland
“I have been using MFCS™-EZ pumps throughout my PhD and postdoc since 2007. When we started the lab in 2016, we equipped it with MFCS™-EZ pumps. Their ease of use and precision makes them a reliable ally for our experiments.”
Jean-Léon Maitre – Curie Institute, France
“The Microfluidics Laboratory of the ESPCI has used the Fluigent equipments for almost 10 years. Pressure-driven fluid handling brought a lot of flexibility and robustness in our daily experiments. The MFCS™-EZ is a strong and reliable device, able to adapt to all types of microfluidic experiment. The range complete by adding flow sensors able to transform the MFCS™-EZ into a full flow-rate piloting system with the FRP. Our laboratory trust Fluigent products, engineers, software developers as well as the entire team that makes every day a great job”
Fabrice Monti / MMN Laboratory, IPGG
“The compact and clever design of the Microfluidic Flow Control System (MFCS™-EZ) in combination with an individual support has greatly brought forward our work with picoliter droplets.”
Lisa Mahler / Hans-Knöll-Institut (HKI) / Jena, Germany
“As a team working in Droplet based microfluidic we’ve been using Syringe pumps. Involved in a new research program, we decided to switch our former equipment for a Fluigent flow rate control solution Microfluidic flow control system (MFCS™-EZ) + (FLOWELL, old Flow-Rate Platform, with Flow Rate Control Module). We observed a real improvement as this system based on the control of pressure is more responsive and stable. In our specific application microfluidic systems usually need some time to stabilize while the Fluigent solution allows a quick start or stop. It is also very flexible as it allows stopping and restarting the droplet manipulation, the change of reservoir or sample during an experiment, with almost no impact on the experiment. Besides, the pressure regulation enables to limit the maximum pressure applied to the chip and allow us to preserve the integrity of our chip especially those with long channels.”
Raphael Calbrix / Plate-forme de Chimie Biologique Intégrative de Strasbourg (PCBIS) / Ecole supérieure de biotechnologie Strasbourg (ESBS) FRANCE
“The ability of the MFCS combined with the Flow-Rate Control Module greatly enhanced our control of the flow rates. The setup is uncomplicated and provides an easy way to directly control the flow rates in multiple channels separately. The desired flow rates are quickly reached and without any subsequent instabilities. The also stay stable over hours without constant supervision. Additionally, it is now possible to stop flows immediately.”
Dr Andrew Hudson / University of Leicester / Leicester, UK
“We have found the Fluigent equipment to be very helpful to our microfluidic research on various fluid mechanics and transport problems. For example, in order to investigate diffusion of nano particles inside a microfluidic channel, we originally tried to generate a concentration gradient along a closed channel by constantly flowing solutes across one open end. We recognized the need to generate a steady flow that minimized pressure fluctuation or other perturbations, which we found inevitable with motor-driven pumps. With aid of the Fluigent Microfluidic flow control system (MFCS™-EZ) and Flow-Rate Platform (FRP), we were able to achieve a fluctuation-free, perfectly steady flow, which allowed us to generate a constant concentration along the targeted area. The new research results we have obtained were made possible by the high quality and ease of use of the Fluigent equipment.”
Howard Stone and Sangwoo Shin / Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering / Princeton University, USA
“I really love your system, I bought one MFCS a few months ago and I already want to buy a new one.”
Ryan Sochol / Mechanical engineering department / University of California Berkeley, USA
“We have bought Fluigent flow control solution (MFCS™ + FLOWELL, old Flow-Rate Platform, with Flow Rate Control Module) to replace our usual high precision syringe pumps to generate monodisperse microfluidic droplets. Fluigent solution provides a very efficient and reliable flow rate control as well as a significantly higher stability at low flow rates in comparison with syringe pump-based systems. The whole set-up including both hardware and software is very intuitive and easy to work with.”
Michael Ryckelynck Associate Professor / Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (I.B.M.C.) / UPR-9002 du CNRS, FRANCE
“Dear All, Just to let you know, the pump arrived. I have tested it twice and it is working very well. The pressure control responds almost instantaneously and with high sensitivity. Thanks a lot.”
Andrew E. Ekpenyong / BIOTEChnologische Zentrum / Technischen Universität Dresden, Germany
“The setup of our working model hasn’t been trivial, and we certainly wouldn’t have succeeded without the support of Fluigent. Together with the R&D engineer, Felix Rogowitz, we made specific adjustments to our flow setup which improved stability and reproducibility of our experiments. It has been a hands-on journey with the Fluigent team, and we are very thankful for the fruitful collaboration.”
Dr. Valentina Paloschi / Department for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Technical University of Munich / Germany /
Droplet-Based Microfluidics Application
Testimonials on The Raydrop
The RayDrop Single or Double Emulsion Device’s specific design allows for multiple liquid type emulsification within the same device without any coating needed. This allows users to cover single and complex emulsions...
“My team has started using the Fluigent microfluidic kit for making polymer-based particles. We tried different microfluidic systems in the past but unfortunately, they were not suitable for our application. The main issue was chip blockage which rendered the process quite laborious. The RayDrop microfluidic chip from Fluigent gave us the best results with better control over the process. I have to mention the excellent technical support from Fluigent, their team visited my lab 3 times to deliver training and help to optimize the process”
Dr Omar QUTACHI – Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics Health and Life Sciences – De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester
Testimonials on dSurf Surfactant
dSURF is a highly stable fluorosurfactantsuitable for the production of highly monodispersed and stable microdroplets. Provided at 2% in 3M™ Novec™ 7500 fluorinated oil, dSURF allows high-performance droplet formation and long-term stability even in challenging conditions such as dPCR and cell culture experiments.
“dSURF improved our droplet stability and reliability of droplet formation under control of Fluigent systems. We performed good quality dPCR and droplet-based micro-cultivation of microbials.”
Dr. Thomas Henkel – Head of Microfluidic group – Leibniz IPHT, Germany
“The dSURF is super good!!! It proved compatibility with the culture of mammalian cells, with no visible toxicity as compared to control.”
Ya ZHOU – Postdoctoral Research Fellow – Macromolecules and Microsystems in Biology and Medicine Laboratory – Institut Curie, Paris
Testimonials on our droplet production packages
Our microfluidic packs include fluidic solutions designed by a team of experts for a wide range of applications. Our pressure controllers, flow-meters, valves and software allow users to easily perform experiments with no prior experience in the microfluidics field. From droplets microfluidics to cell perfusion and organ-on-a-chip studies, Fluigent has the solution.
“One of the research group’s focuses was the study of ovarian cancer. Leveraging Fahriye Duzagac’s (PostDoc) previous experience and Asia Saorin’s (PhD student) freshly written review on ovarian cancer biomarkers, it was a natural progression to develop a project aimed at testing amiodarone as an inhibitor of CPT1A. However, the formulation developed using microfluidics was crucial in unlocking the drug’s full potential. This advancement was thanks to Gloria Saorin (PhD student), who was working with the Fluigent system for the production of liposomes. Thanks to the microfluidic approach it was possible to optimize particles production parameters with better control over them, using smaller amounts of formulants and drug i.e. saving time, money and allowing an improvement of the sustainability of the process.”
Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystems – Ca’Foscari University of Venice
OMICS Application
Testimonials on Aria
Meet Aria, our automated sequential injection system for cellular perfusion or timed injection protocols. The Aria allows users to automate delivery of up to 10 different solutions into a chamber or microfluidic chip following user-defined protocols.
For cellular perfusion, long-term imaging of cultured cells requires controlled environmental conditions…
“I got to test ARIA injection system in my research project in a collaboration with Fluigent. More precisely, ARIA injection system helped me automatize the capture process and immunostaining of breast cancer cells under a very precise and controlled flow rate. The software interface is so user friendly where I was being able to follow in real-time the progression of my experiment. The amazing part is that ARIA even calculated the total amount of time required for each step and helped me avoid the waiting time in front of my setup! It made my experiment go as smoothly as possible.”
Emile Lakis – Curie Institute – IPGG – France
“Just wanted to say thanks again. We were able to run a 50 step Aria protocol on four separate occasions this weekend. Saved us more than a full day of work (~28 hours).”
M. Serrata / Wyss Institute / Boston, Massachusetts
Keep innovating with the best of microfluidics.