Company news
September 28, 2023
Meet Karolina Sobeczek, Fluigent Germany’s Business Development Manager for Eastern Europe

Karolina has been working with us for 2 years while completing a PhD in Health Sciences. She is now responsible for the Baltic Countries and Eastern Europe with a focus on:
- Poland
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia

Contact Karolina here:
Karolina was introduced to the microfluidics world through a company , where she worked with bioprinters, bioinks, and pressure fluctuations.
Business Development Manager
Tel: +48 505 599 334
Fluigent Deutschland GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Platz 3
07743 Jena, Germany
A fun fact about Karolina is:
She enjoys spending her free time in an apiary, where she helps her family with bees and other pollinators. Karolina feels that nature is her “safe space”.

Learn more about the Fluigent team here